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Curated Creative Resources

Engineering Resources for Teachers of All Levels

Teaching engineering to your students can be easy and fun, even if you don’t have an engineering background yourself! Let IEEE TryEngineering help you add engaging engineering concepts into your curriculum. Our database of resources is peer reviewed, with lesson plans and strategies made by teachers like you.

Lesson Plans, Activities & Featured Engineers

Lesson focuses on how engineers have to design objects to meet the needs of users, while considering the limitations of materials, and the implications of cost.
Lesson focuses on the concept of electron flow through the demonstration of electrical circuits in a flashlight, and how batteries operate.
Lesson focuses on the engineering behind elevators. Teams of students explore principles and requirements of vertical travel, then design and construct a working elevator to service a toy car garage...
Lesson focuses on brakes, force, and friction, using bicycle rim brakes to demonstrate basic braking mechanisms to stop, slow, or prevent motion.
Lesson focuses on the engineering and operation of artificial heart valves, and the interface between man and machine.
Lesson focuses on solar panel design, and its application in the standard calculator. It explores how both solar panels and calculators operate and explores simple circuits using solar power.
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